As I am in the process of manually updating a number of my albums that could not be updated using the batch process I would welcome further clarification on how this new tab will work. As you suggested in an earlier response to my post regarding adding Composer to Work, I see Overall Work has now been added.
Thanks for issuing the latest update 6.12. It allows a great search function to identify which albums the support players are on something you couldn’t readily do with CDs on the shelf! This I find indispensable when identifying the support musicians which may not be identified on the album cover. On a positive note one particular feature which I think is truly beneficial is populating the Performer tag, particularly for my jazz collection.

For the Sculthorpe (1879) it has worked but for the Mozart (1881) it hasn’t, which appears odd! I’ll send on the support files and if you get chance it would be good to see if you can figure it out. I have therefore added the work to Minimserver group and rerun the fix songs. For example, on some albums Work is populated with the Work but Minimserver group is not. There does not appear to be a common pattern as to the difference. I’ve checked some albums out, both those which are correct and those not. On some albums Composer has been added to Work but on the majority it hasn’t, which is puzzling. Thanks a lot also to Mellowman, french guy on french forum who initiated the discussion and helped me to go further on this approach quite automatized.I’ve ran the report again (1875) and had mixed results. By selecting the year and month of creation date, you can after navigate through albums, typology of music, artist, year…. In terms of results, you just need to go to your UPnP Control Point, in my case Linn Kazoo, select minimserver and you would see appearing the “ Date d’ajout” tag with the format YYYY-MM. When done, you can “apply” and launch a rescan from minimwatch. You can change the wording after the “:” in order to reflect your needs (mine was in french). You need to go to “index tags” and “CREATION_DATE:Date d’ajout”. You need to open minimwatch while minimserver is running and select “ properties” tab.
Now that the job with MP3Tag is finished, you need to tell to minimserver how to handle it. As soon as you select this action, the selected files will be updated accordingly.

Personnaly i selected the following parameters “ $regexp(%_file_create_date%,(.)/(.)/(….),$3-$2)” in order to obtain the following output “ YYYY-MM“. These parameters “ $regexp(%_file_create_date%,(.)/(.)/(….),$3$2$1)” would lead to a format like “ YYYYMMDD“. As soon as you would validate, MP3Tag will create this special tag for all the selected files in the selected directory. As name, choose the one you like (for me CREATION_DATE) and in field, as you need to put something, you can type « temp » for example. Next step is to create a specific tag we can name « CREATION_DATE » For this, you need to click on the « tag » icon and create a new one (add field icon). Next, you need to select the directories of your music you want to update : go to “File” and “Change Directory”Īs soon as you would have selected the directories, MP3Tag will collect the tag informations.
Let’s start, first, download MP3Tag from the editor’s link. The follow-up example will show how to sort the files by year and month (YYYY-MM) but you can change according to the date format of your country or…to your needs.

The last step, will be to indicate to minimserver that it can use this new tags. The idea is to create a specific tag kinked to the creation date and populate automatically the creation date into this tag. What you need is for sure minimserver and MP3Tag as software. In few words, it is possible to do this kind of sorting quite easily and for free. For this reason and because of motivation given by few posts on a french forum, i tried to have a look to this topic. We can mention that this feature is available on the Lumin application through a specific tab and i assume it is linked to the Lumin app functionality that is creating this date when it screens the server for the updates. Simon, the creator of minimserver has this option in the « todo list » since years but still not available.
This sorting is embedded is few server software like Roon or JRiver but it is lacking for years on some well established UPnP servers like minimserver. When you still buy some files instead of streaming from Qobuz/Tidal for example, a way of sorting the files is through the creation or import date of the file. Billet publié dans Tutororz et taggé avec mellowman minimserver MP3tag sorting sorting by creation date tri Tutorial tutoriel upnp server le 28 août 2020 par Patatorz